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EnSoil Algae for Row Crops

Save Money * Significant Reduction in Chemical Inputs * Improved Yield * Improved Soil Biology

Improved Water Infiltration & Retention * Improved Plant Stress Adaptation

Hear What Customers are Saying About
EnSoil Algae for Row Crops

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Early season corn. Left side: no EnSoil. Right side: Treated with EnSoil.

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Mid season corn: not treated with EnSoil.

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Mid season corn: treated with EnSoil.

JRH Grain Farm

Russell Hedrick- Hickory, NC

Russell is co-owner of Soil Regen and a leading voice in the regenerative farming movement. He is raising non-GMO corn and non-GMO soybean. Russell is one-year-in with his EnSoil application studies.

Feedback Corn: “Corn plants have shown exceptional growth and plant health. During the growing season, plants sprayed showed a noticeable color change to a darker green. Plant growth was accelerated by 2-3 leaves within the first 2 weeks. Ear weight has been 1-3 ounces heavier in density. Yields and test weight will be determined this fall and are expected to be greater in the treated areas."


Feedback Soybeans: "Since spraying, soybeans have shown more retained pods per plant on 3’ row measurements ranging 5-8%. Disease pressure has been minimal this season until the middle of August with heavier rain falls. Plants sprayed with algae haven’t had noticeable frog eye leaf spot or rust like their untreated counterparts. Soybean yields are hard to determine until harvest, but based upon pod retention, we expect an increase in yield. Plant health and growth have been dramatically evident this season, and expectations are high for harvest. We treated 5 fields with EnSoil Algae to measure vs a control. In every field EnSoil had a meaningful impact on yield. In addition, there was a significant dry down effect and great standability.”


  • EnSoil Algae showed the effect of optimizing plant nutrient uptake, energy value, and improved plant health everywhere it was applied.

  • Improved stress adaption.

  • Significantly quicker dry down where EnSoil Algae was applied. The farm average was a difference of 2.1% in moisture content.

  • EnSoil Algae delivered a yield bump of 6-8 bushels when added to a late season fungicide pass compared to fields that received the fungicide without EnSoil Algae.

  • Overall 90% rate of profitability based on yield. Total cost per acre of EnSoil was calculated at $60. Farm average was 12.5 bpa gain.

  • Largest gain was a 17 bpa in a field where EnSoil was applied in furrow at planting and twice more over the top in season.

GCG Farms

Darren Bryant- Moultrie, GA

Darren’s farming operation consists of 1100 acres of cotton, 360 acres of peanuts, and 200 acres of cattle pastureland. He has applied EnSoil Alage three times to both the cotton and the peanuts.

Outcomes Cotton: Soil fertility tests, DNA soil samples, total soil digestion samples, and tissue analysis on the treated and untreated plots and the treated fields show two crops are using all the nutrients available to them with very high bio-controls, hormone production, and stress adaptions.


  • The EnSoil Algae treated fields yielded an additional 200 pounds per acre of high quality cotton (conservatively).

  • 10 acre field of dryland cotton. The Cotton had three applications of EnSoil algae.

  • This field had some very weak spots and had been noted to be a disaster in recent years for crop production.

  • EnSoil Algae applications were started 20 days after emergence, just be before squaring. The first application of algae was tank-mixed with an herbicide. Easy process.

  • We noticed where we treated the cotton with the algae herbicide mix we had a better degree of weed control as to where we applied no algae with the herbicide.

  • Subsequent EnSoil Algae applications were applied 15 to 20 days apart (weather).

  • Crop scout reported this field was developing/loading up with fruit with close node settings on the limbs.

  • During our dry weeks this cotton crop seemed to hold up better under the drought conditions and shed very little fruit.

  • After defoliation the EnSoil Algae treated crop was loaded from top to bottom. There was very little hard locks with short internodes between bolls on the limbs. It appeared that every boll opened on the stalk in a reasonable time showing a quicker maturity. Even in the weak spots we had strong yield potential and in the strong parts of the field we even had stronger yield potential. The color of the crop was outstanding; however we have no grades at this point. We anticipate them to be good.

  • Another interesting observation was the treated cotton had a bottom crop. Where the untreated cotton had no bottom crop and a lot of hard locks. The plants showed less stress.

To read about Darren's peanut crop results,

check out the

ESC 2023 Field Report.

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No EnSoil

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Treated with EnSoil

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Treated with EnSoil

Feedback Cotton: A crop scout checks fields weekly. The scout reported recommending replications of EnSoil treatment to other non-treated fields.

The cotton plants treated with EnSoil were fruiting heavier and were setting bolls at shorter node intervals on the limbs. The cotton plants also looked healthier with a darker green appearance and appeared to be holding the extra fruit it had set instead of shedding it. They showed better canopy development along with flowering and boll set.


Darren is hoping this leads to improvement in the maturation of the plant. He feels if he can tighten the stages of development, then he can better manage his crop for higher yields and better grades resulting in a better ROI. Darren is also pleased with the ease of application of the EnSoil. He can mix it with just about anything he wants to put out whether it be an insecticide, herbicide, or fungicide.

Enhance Row Crop Performance & Save Money with EnSoil Algae!

Schedule a personalized EnSoil Algae consultation or inquire about becoming an ESC Sales Affiliate by contacting Tucker:

Tucker Garrigan

Affiliate Recruitment & Sales Support



The science behind EnSoil is not new. There are more than 40 years of research on the effectiveness of Chlorella as a soil amendment; it has been used in countries throughout the world. Enlightened Soil Corp has now made EnSoil commercially available in the U.S., providing an NPK alternative that can do the following: 1) increase soil health, 2) promote plant growth, 3) intensify green color, and 4) improve drought resistance. It also, 5) is safe for waterways, 6) involves no tonnage, and 7) costs as low as $9 per acre to treat.


Enlightened Soil Corp now offers 180-day

No-Payment/No-Interest through John Deere Financial.

EnSoil Algae is safe to use during mandated nitrate blackouts.
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