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FAQs About EnSoil

  • Is EnSoil organic?
    EnSoil Algae is OMRI listed in both the United States and Canada for use in organic growing. OMRI Listing for Mexico is pending.
  • How much EnSoil should I apply?
    Applying EnSoil is as easy as applying any liquid soil additive. You can use drip tape, a backpack sprayer, or a watering can. For multiple acres, a crop sprayer may be used. The basic ratio for EnSoil is 1 tsp (5 mL) to 1 gallon (4 liters) of water. This will deliver an optimal application dose of 50,000 algae cells per square foot over a space of 1,000 sq. ft. A 1-liter bottle of EnSoil, once diluted, is enough to cover 4.5 acres.
  • Can EnSoil be applied along with organic mulches and fertilizers?
    Yes. EnSoil can be paired with organic mulches and fertilizers. It may even help to enhance the the organic nutrients.
  • Can EnSoil be used with synthetic-chemical NPK fertilizer?
    Yes. EnSoil can be used along with synthetic-chemical NPK. When making the transition from synthetic NPK to EnSoil, many are insecure about risking any decline in growth or yield, so they gradually lessen the amount of NPK used while increasing the amount of EnSoil. However, once the results of EnSoil treatment are experienced, most substitute EnSoil for NPK.
  • Can herbicides and pesticides be used with EnSoil?
    Yes. Herbicdes work on C-3 plants (this refers to a chemical pathway early in their development). Algae are C-4 plants and do not share that pathway, so herbicides have no effect on EnSoil.
  • Can fungicides be used with EnSoil?
    Yes. Fungicides do not have any effect on C. vulgaris. In fact, if an algae colony becomes contaminated with fungi, it is common practice to apply a fungicide to treat it.
  • Should EnSoil be refrigerated?
    Yes, EnSoil Algae should be refrigerated if it is not going to be used immediately. Most clients who purchase for larger-scale agricultural purposes, generally order EnSoil Algae when they are ready to put it down, so no refrigeration is necessary. However, those who do not plan to use all of the product in a single treatment should refrigerate unused portions to guarantee the cell count of 10 million/mL for at least six weeks. ESC is doing studies on how our proprietary growing method increases shelf life. We will soon be updating that data on our packaging.
  • What is the best time of day to apply EnSoil?
    We recommend that you not apply algae in the heat of the mid-day, summer, sun. If not applied with irrigation water (drip or spray), we suggest application shortly before irrigation. Before it rains is ideal. Most of us irrigate in the early morning or late afternoon, and application in close proximity to irrigation/watering works well. This approach facilitates penetration of algae through the topmost layer of soil. The algae cells are quite tough and can tolerate temperature extremes and mechanical stress. We recommend that EnSoil Algae be applied through a back-pack spayer or drip irrigation at dawn or dusk to allow the cells to penetrate below the sun exposed topsoil layer. For center pivots and sprinkler irrigation systems, we recommend irrigating with EnSoil at dusk only to allow it to penetrate the soil column more effectively. Once the crop has grown and successfully covers the soil, UV radiation will penetrate the soil less, further allowing microbial numbers to increase on the soil surface.
  • What is the ideal pH for water used with EnSoil?
    Tap water pH is about 7, as is most well water, and that is fine for the Chlorella vulgaris in EnSoil. Algae can actually tolerate a wide range of pH, from 5.0 to 12. By the same token, algae tolerate salt water, as well.
  • Should EnSoil be agitated before use?
    Yes. When the algae concentrate has been on the shelf there is precipitation of cells to the bottom of the container. That is normal and does not indicate a problem with the algae cells. A gentle shake disperses the sediment quickly. EnSoil should be kept mixed during initial dilution with water. Large, commercial, tank sprayers commonly have an agitating system which is ideal for EnSoil.
  • Will increasing the recommended amount of EnSoil improve results?
    While, adding a little extra EnSoil for a treatment will not cause negative effects, putting it down thicker does not necessarily make EnSoil more effective. Fifty-thousand (50,000) cells applied to each sq. ft. produces enough stimulation to do the job. More frequent applications (up to a one-week apart ) can be a great way to "jump start" a new garden, freshly seeded sod, or turf after a long winter. However, you would not want to treat an area or potted plants "every day." There is some research that shows when algae is applied too frequently to soil it can slow down the microbial processes in the soil.
  • When treating flowerbeds, should mulch or pinestraw be pulled back before treating with EnSoil?
    No. Mulches and pinestraw do not need to be pulled back if it's being watered in.
  • Can EnSoil be harmful to humans or animals?
    No. EnSoil is not harmful to humans, animals, or the environment. Although EnSoil is not formulated for human or animal consumption, C. vulgaris is actually edible and has been used in cosmetics, food supplements, and livestock feed. We do NOT recommend drinking EnSoil, but it is nontoxic if accidently ingested. (Although, there is probably little risk of that since it smells like a fish tank). There are no adverse effects upon skin contact, and EnSoil produces no harmful fumes.
  • Can spraying EnSoil on the ground lead to harmful algae bloom in nearby water?
    No. Algae bloom with nitrogenous fertilizer happens because the chemical compounds dissolve in water and either wash through to the water table or wash from the surface into adjacent ponds. EnSoil's algae cells do not dissolve (go into solution). While 50,000 algae cells per sq. ft. sounds like a lot, it is actually a very small amount. When you mix EnSoil with water, the solution remains clear. Once the algae cells are on the ground, they remain in the neighborhood of the roots. We have tested the possibility of runoff by applying algae to garden soil in 10 inch deep pots, then adding the equivalent of a 3-inch rain 3 days in a row. There were no algae detected in water runoff from the bottom of the pots. Additionally, algae cells and soil particles each have a small but opposite charge, one positive the other negative. This works as an electrostatic glue to bind them, so there is a mechanism for algae sticking in the top few inches of soil.
  • Can EnSoil reduce my input costs?
  • Can EnSoil increase my yields?

These are just a few questions that we frequently get asked here at Enlightened Soil Corp. If you have a question that is not covered above, please reach out to us! We love chatting about EnSoil!

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